
ID: 90203
Full name: Seśvaramīmāṃsā
Author: Vedāntadeśika
Availability: Fragmented
Language: Sanskrit
Genre: Commentary
Structure: Comments on sūtras

Commentary on PMS, but includes also floating verses and summary verses (saṅgrahaśloka) at the beginning and end of each book and at the end of each adhikaraṇa. All verses are ślokas apart from the first three and the last one of SM 1. The first three are an atiśakvarī, an ārya with an abnormal structure (cd-ab instead of the opposite) and a vasantatilakā respectively. The last one in SM 1 is again an atiśakvarī

Refs to refbooks:
EIP 16, 2014, 425-426
Related Works
Commentaries on this work: Sūkṣmārthaṭīkā
Mentions of this work: Tātparyacandrikā
Related Manuscripts
Manuscript distribution: South India
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Last update: 18.02.2022 - 01:25
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Suggested citation: Freschi E., K. Potter, M. Akepiyapornchai. "Seśvaramīmāṃsā." Pandit. <>. Updated on February 18, 2022 01:25 am IST.