MS London WL MS Persian 47A

ID: 113917
Works contained:
Located in: London
Stored in: Wellcome Library
Shelfmark: MS Persian 47A
Also collected in (Collection): Persian
Material: Paper
Condition: Good
Physical completeness: Incomplete
Number of folios: 83
Lines per page: 13
More facts:
  • This manuscript written in Nastaliq script.
  • Width (mm): 257 and Height (mm): 145
Print sources
Last update: 06.12.2023 - 17:06
Suggested citation: Guha A. "MS London WL MS Persian 47A." Pandit. <>. Updated on December 06, 2023 05:06 pm IST.
Contributors: Arpan Guha
Attributed to: Samhita, Wellcome Pingree