Incipit of MS London WL MS Indic Alpha 1222

ID: 110877
Last update: 18.07.2022 - 13:36
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Extracted from manuscript: MS London WL MS Indic Alpha 1222

upādhigamyo 'py anupādhigamyaḥ

samāvalokyo 'py asamāvalokyaḥ

bhavo 'pi yo bhūyasavaḥ śivo 'yaṃ

na gatyayā mād(?) api naḥ sa pāyāt ||1|| (F.34)

Suggested citation: Guha A. "Incipit of MS London WL MS Indic Alpha 1222." Pandit. <>. Updated on July 18, 2022 01:36 pm IST.
Contributors: Arpan Guha
Attributed to: Samhita, Wellcome Pingree