
ID: 99308
Full name: Chandombudhi
Author: Nāgavarman
Year: 990 c.
Language: Kannada
Discipline: Chandas
Structure: Chapters
Alternative names: Chandōmbudhi

Nāgavarman’s Chandōmbudhi, the earliest surviving work on meter in Kannada (and one of the earliest Kannada texts to survive at all) was probably composed around 990 CE, when Nāgavarman was affiliated with the court of the Ganga king Rakkasa.

Print sources
Last update: 22.10.2018 - 21:46
Relates to People
Sponsors: Rakkasa
Suggested citation: Ollett A. "Chandombudhi." Pandit. <>. Updated on October 22, 2018 09:46 pm IST.
Contributors: Andrew Ollett