MS Pune BORI 106-1899-1915

ID: 98720
Works contained:
Located in: Pune
Shelfmark: 106-1899-1915
Year: 1701
Table of contents:

Chapter No. of Verses Chapter No. of Verses

I 76 V 32

II 40 VI 27

III 47 VII 13

IV 23 VIII 19

Script: Devanagari
Material: Paper
Condition: Damaged
Physical completeness: Complete
Number of folios: 42
Lines per page: 5
Letters per line: 29
Sheet dimensions: 8 ³⁄₄ × 4 ⁷⁄₈ inch
More info:

Description: Country paper; very old, musty and worn out; Devanāgarī characters; handwriting bold and clear; borders marked by double black lines; and filled in with red pigment; fol. 1b and 42 have respectively two circular star-like designs at the end and one in the centre, painted in red and grey pigments; yellow pigment used for making corrections; red daṇḍas mark verse-endings and numbers; due to sticking together of leaves, letters have become lighter and defaced at places.

Print sources
Suggested citation: Chen D., R. Kedem. "MS Pune BORI 106-1899-1915." Pandit. <>. Updated on October 26, 2021 04:29 am IST.
Attributed to: Vedānta BORI