Nambudiri 1976

ID: 109719
Print kind: Book
Short name: Nambudiri 1976
Print title: Kṛṣṇīyam of Kṛṣṇācārya
Name in local script: कृष्णीयम्
Editor: Nambudiri, V.G.
Year: 1976
Address: Tiruvanantapuram
Publisher: University of Kerala
Issue number: 243
Series: Anantaśayana Samskṛta Granthāvaliḥ
Discipline scholarship: Jyotiḥśāstra
Genre scholarship: Textbook
Language scholarship: Sanskrit
State scholarship: Kerala
  • Kṛṣṇīyam of Kṛṣṇācārya. Edited by V.G.Nambudiri. Anantaśayana Samskṛta Granthāvaliḥ no.243. Tiruvanantapuram: University of Kerala. 1976.
Last update: 26.04.2021 - 22:35
Source refers as an edition to: Kṛṣṇīyam
Suggested citation: Keerthi N. "Nambudiri 1976." Pandit. <>. Updated on April 26, 2021 10:35 pm IST.
Contributors: Naresh Keerthi