MS Delhi NAI Collection 2 Vol. No. 17. Sarada

ID: 109247
Works contained:
Located in: Delhi
Shelfmark: 352 (Sanskrit Manuscripts list 212 manuscripts)
Accession number: Vol. No. 17
Currently collected in (Collection): Collection 2
Serial number: 23
Microfilm copy: Reel No. 2, 3 Accession No. 16079, 16080
Script: Sarada
Material: Birch bark
Condition: Good
Number of folios: 303
More facts:
  • Red cover, codex format
  • Folio 38 is damaged.
  • Microfilmed by NAI in 2009. In the microfilm, several pages are black and totally illegible. Folios 11-95 are legible. Original is much better.
  • The manuscript is divided into 2 parts: part 1 has folios 1-150 and part 2 has 151-303
Print sources
Last update: 16.06.2023 - 11:45
Relates to Sites
Copied here: Kashmir
Suggested citation: Chakraborty D. "MS Delhi NAI Collection 2 Vol. No. 17. Sarada." Pandit. <>. Updated on June 16, 2023 11:45 am IST.
Contributors: Deepro Chakraborty