MS Pune BORI 45-1881-82

ID: 98123
Works contained:
Located in: Pune
Shelfmark: 45-1881-82
Year: 1691
Table of contents:

Chapters end on the foll. as follows:

II 22a;

III 33b;

IV 47a;

V 56b;

VI 67a;

VII 73a;

VIII 78b;

IX 86a;

X 92a;

XI 103a;

XII 108a;

XIII 126b;

XIV 132a;

VX 137b;

XVI 142 a;

XVII 146b;

XVIII 176a.

Script: Devanagari
Material: Paper
Condition: Good
Physical completeness: Complete
Number of folios: 176
Lines per page: 12
Letters per line: 36
Sheet dimensions: 10 ¹⁄₄ × 4 ⁵⁄₈ inch
More info:

Country paper, thick, soft and greyish; Devanāgarī characters; handwriting bold, clear and uniform; borders ruled with triple black lines; red chalk used for marking important words; yellow pigment used for occasional corrections; Gītā verses and the Bhāṣya intermingled

Print sources
Suggested citation: Kedem R., J. Peterson. "MS Pune BORI 45-1881-82." Pandit. <>. Updated on October 26, 2021 04:29 am IST.
Attributed to: Vedānta BORI