Smart 1962

ID: 80357
Print kind: In Collection
Short name: Smart 1962
Imported print text:

Ninian Smart, "Empiricism and religions", EPM 181-197

Print title: Empiricism and religions
Book title: Essays in philosophy presented to Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan on his fiftieth birthday
Language: English
Author: Smart, Ninian
Editor: Chari, C. T. K.
Year: 1962
Address: Madras
Publisher: Ganesh
Pages: 181-197
Discipline scholarship: Hinduism (general)
Last update: 07.08.2021 - 21:32
Suggested citation: Potter K. "Smart 1962." Pandit. <>. Updated on August 07, 2021 09:32 pm IST.
Contributors: Karl Potter