Oberhammer 1992

ID: 73583
Print kind: In Collection
Short name: Oberhammer 1992
Print title: Der frühe Nyāya: Bemerkungen zur inneren Gestalt seines Denkens
Book title: Ritual, state, and history in South Asia: essays in honour of J.C. Heesterman
Language: German
Author: Oberhammer, Gerhard
Editor: Van den Hoek, A. W.; Kolff, Dirk H. A.; Oort, M. S.
Year: 1992
Address: Leiden ; New York
Publisher: E.J. Brill
Pages: 244-258
Series: Memoirs of the Kern Institute, no. 5
Discipline scholarship: Nyāya and Vaiśeṣika
Last update: 10.01.2022 - 21:51
Suggested citation: Potter K. "Oberhammer 1992." Pandit. <panditproject.org/entity/73583/print>. Updated on January 10, 2022 09:51 pm IST.
Contributors: Karl Potter