Mohanty 1961-1962

ID: 73209
Print kind: Article
Short name: Mohanty 1961-1962
Imported print text:

Jitendranath Mohanty, "Reflections on the Indian theory of avayavīpratyakṣa", JIAP 1, 1961-62, 30-41. Reprinted in his Phenomonology and Ontology (The Hague 1970), 183-197

Print title: Reflections on the Indian theory of avayavīpratyakṣa
Journal name: Journal of the Indian Academy of Philosophy
Language: English
Author: Mohanty, Jitendra Nath
Year: 1961
Until year: 1962
Pages: 30-41
Volume: 1
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-3252-0_17
Discipline scholarship: Nyāya and Vaiśeṣika
Last update: 07.08.2021 - 21:23
Suggested citation: Rozenkrants M., K. Potter. "Mohanty 1961-1962." Pandit. <>. Updated on August 07, 2021 09:23 pm IST.