Hopkins 1998a

ID: 72263
Print kind: In Collection
Short name: Hopkins 1998a
Print title: Death, sleep, and orgasm: gateways to the mind of clear light
Book title: Living and dying in Buddhist cultures
Language: English
Author: Hopkins, Paul Jeffrey
Editor: Chappell, David W.; Tsomo, Karma Lekshe
Year: 1998
Year note: Not certain
Address: Honolulu
Publisher: Buddhist Studies Program, SHAPS, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Pages: 76-92
Discipline scholarship: Buddhism (general)
Last update: 30.05.2022 - 13:05
Suggested citation: Potter K. "Hopkins 1998a." Pandit. <panditproject.org/entity/72263/print>. Updated on May 30, 2022 01:05 pm IST.
Contributors: Karl Potter