Puligandla 1996

ID: 72166
Print kind: In Collection
Short name: Puligandla 1996
Imported print text:

Ramakrishna Puligandla, "What is the status of the doctrine of dependent origination?", PaliBud 1996, 175-183

Print title: What is the status of the doctrine of dependent origination?
Language: English
Author: Puligandla, Ramakrishna
Editor: Hoffman, Frank J.; Deegalle, Mahinda
Year: 1996
Address: Richmond, Surrey
Publisher: Curzon
Pages: 175-183
Chapter: 10
Series: Curzon studies in Asian philosophy
Discipline scholarship: Buddhism (general)
Last update: 07.08.2021 - 21:30
Suggested citation: Rozenkrants M., K. Potter. "Puligandla 1996." Pandit. <panditproject.org/entity/72166/print>. Updated on August 07, 2021 09:30 pm IST.