Warder 1977

ID: 71120
Print kind: In Collection
Short name: Warder 1977
Imported print text:

A.K.Warder, "Feudalism and Mahāyāna Buddhism", in R.S.Sharma and Vivekanand Jha (eds.), Indian Society: Historical Probings. In Memory of D.D.Kosambi (New Delhi 1977), 156-174

Print title: Feudalism and Mahāyāna Buddhism
Book title: Indian society: historical probings. In Memory of D.D.Kosambi
Language: English
Author: Warder, Anthony Kennedy
Year: 1977
Address: New Delhi
Publisher: People's Pub. House
Pages: 156-174
Discipline scholarship: Buddhism (general)
Last update: 07.08.2021 - 21:34
Suggested citation: Rozenkrants M., K. Potter. "Warder 1977." Pandit. <panditproject.org/entity/71120/print>. Updated on August 07, 2021 09:34 pm IST.