Ganganatha Jha and George Thibaut. IT...

ID: 65384
Short name: Ganganatha Jha and George Thibaut. IT 6, 1914: 239-360. 7, 1915: 77, 203, 391. 8, 1916: 1, 119, 287. 9, 1917: 1, 189. Reprinted 1914
Imported print text:

Partly translated by Ganganatha Jha and George Thibaut. IT 6, 1914: 239-360. 7, 1915: 77, 203, 391. 8, 1916: 1, 119, 287. 9, 1917: 1, 189. Reprinted as Indian Thought Series 10. Reprinted Delhi 1990

Last update: 17.03.2017 - 21:30
Source refers to: Advaitasiddhi (work)
Suggested citation: Potter K. "Ganganatha Jha and George Thibaut. IT 6, 1914: 239-360. 7, 1915: 77, 203, 391. 8, 1916: 1, 119, 287. 9, 1917: 1, 189. Reprinted 1914." Pandit. <>. Updated on March 17, 2017 09:30 pm IST.
Contributors: Karl Potter