Skilling 1997

ID: 55652
Print kind: In Collection
Short name: Skilling 1997
Print title: Citations from the Scriptures of the "Eighteen Schools" in the Tarkajvālā
Book title: Bauddhavidyāsudhākaraḥ: Studies in honour of Heinz Bechert on the occasion of his 65th birthday
Language: English
Author: Skilling, Peter
Editor: Kieffer-Pülz, Petra; Hartmann, Jens-Uwe
Year: 1997
Address: Swisttal-Odendorf
Publisher: Indica et Tibetica Verlag
Pages: 605-614
Series: Indica et Tibetica, Bd. 30
Last update: 12.01.2022 - 15:20
Suggested citation: Potter K. "Skilling 1997." Pandit. <>. Updated on January 12, 2022 03:20 pm IST.
Contributors: Karl Potter