Vaidya 1960d
ID: 51305
Print kind: Book
Short name: Vaidya 1960d
Print title: Madhyamakaśātra of Nāgārjuna : with the commentary Prasannapadā of Candrakīrti
Name in local script: नागार्जुनीयं मध्यमकशास्त्रम् : आचार्यचन्द्रकीर्तिविरचितया प्रसन्नपदाख्यव्याख्यया संवलितम्
Language: Sanskrit
Editor: Vaidya, Parashuram Laksman
Year: 1960
Address: Darabhanga
Publisher: Mithila Institute
Series: Buddhist Sanskrit series, 10
More facts:
- Pages [277]-310 include the texts of Nāgārjuna's Vigrahavyāvartanī and his Ratnāvalī, the former edited by K.P. Jayaswal and R. Sankrtyayana, the latter by G. Tucci.