MS Suri BirbhumDL EAP_NEW_BDL_MSS_00006

ID: 110273
Works contained:
Located in: Suri
Other number: EAP_NEW_BDL_MSS_00006
Also collected in (Collection): EAP BDL MSS Digital Collection
Oldness: Rather old
Year: 1700 c.
Script: Bengali
Material: Palm-leaf
Condition: Damaged
Physical completeness: Complete
Number of folios: 10
Original number of folios: 10
Lines per page: 4
Letters per line: 65
Sheet dimensions: 43.0 × 4.0 cm
More facts:
  • Folios are damaged and worm-eaten.
  • The verso of the final folio contains a list of contents with folios numbers: 7 atha kukkuṭīmarkaṭī - 1, atha dūrvvāṣṭamī - 6, sāvitrīvrataṃ - 1, mahālakṣmīvrataṃ - 14, janmāṣṭamīvrataṃ - 33, ṣaṭpañcamīkathā - 45, atha śivarātrivrataṃ - 47 atha vyādhyutpattivicāraḥ - 54, ekoddiṣṭaprayogaḥ - 54, kuśaṇḍikā - 60, amāvāsyāvrataṃ - 70, anantavrataṃ - 73. The list also mentions dharmmaghaṭa, jaladvādaśī and pipītakī. The right part of the recto contains a short paddhati text (probably on Nārāyaṇapūjā) that begins with a hymn to the god Nārāyaṇa: nārāyaṇaṃ caturbhujaṃ saṅkhacakragadādharaṃ śrīvatsāṅkaṃ ghanaśyāmaṃ pītakauśeyavāsasaṃ | ājānumālatīmālāvanamālāvibhūṣitaṃ | puṇḍarīkekṣaṇaṃ devaṃ sarvvalokanamaskṛtaṃ lakṣmīsarasvatīkāntaṃ lakṣmīdhṛtapadāmbujaṃ ||
  • The text Dharmaghaṭavrata includes the Dharmaghaṭavratakathā which is said to be a part of the Nāradīyapurāṇa.
Suggested citation: Chakraborty D. "MS Suri BirbhumDL EAP_NEW_BDL_MSS_00006." Pandit. <>. Updated on February 22, 2022 06:09 am IST.
Contributors: Deepro Chakraborty