
ID: 109690
Full name: Viddhaśālabhañjikā
Author: Rājaśekhara
Year: 940 c.
Site of composition: Tripurī
Language: Prakrit, Sanskrit
Discipline: Kāvya, Nāṭya
Structure: 4 acts (aṅka-s)
Alternative names: Viddhasālabhañjikā
Name in local script: विद्धशालभञ्जिका, विद्धसालभञ्जिका
More facts:
  • The Viddhaśālabhañjikā [VS] is a playlet (nāṭikā) in 4 acts.
  • It describes the love of princess Mṛgāṅkāvalī, the Lāṭa princess and Kuvalayamālā, the Kuntala princess with king Vidyadharamalla of Karpūravarṣa, and their subsequent marriage.
  • The play was probably written in Tripuri, under the patronage of a Kalacūri king (probably Keyuravarṣa Yuvarājadeva).
  • V.V.Mirashi identifies the character Virapāla in the VS with Baddiga-Amoghavarṣa III.
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Last update: 13.10.2021 - 21:14
Relates to Sites
Sites mentioned in this work: Tripurī
Suggested citation: Keerthi N. "Viddhaśālabhañjikā." Pandit. <>. Updated on October 13, 2021 09:14 pm IST.
Contributors: Naresh Keerthi