MS Lucknow Sanskrit Parishad 249

ID: 109235
Works contained:
  • Note: Entry given as Bālabodhinī (Ṣaṭkāraka)
Located in: Lucknow
Accession number: 249
Serial number: Serial No. 181
Script: Devanagari
Material: Paper
Condition: Good
Physical completeness: Complete
Number of folios: 10
Original number of folios: 10
Lines per page: 9
Letters per line: 39
Sheet dimensions: 23.0 × 10.3 cm
More info:

The cataloger is not sure about its author. Jagaddhara Bhaṭṭa is mentioned with a mark of interrogation (?). It is mentioned "Name of the author is found in the catalogue of V.V.R.I where he is the author of Bāla Bodhinī (Taddhita Prakaraṇa)."

The catalogue gives a number 219 in the column of extent which is describe in the introduction as representing the number of divisions or chapters. But I am not sure how there can be 219 divisions in a manuscript of merely 10 folios.

Print sources
Last update: 30.09.2021 - 03:21
Suggested citation: Chakraborty D. "MS Lucknow Sanskrit Parishad 249." Pandit. <>. Updated on September 30, 2021 03:21 am IST.
Contributors: Deepro Chakraborty