
ID: 108967
Full name: Bhagavadbhaktistotra
Author: Avadhūtasiddha
Language: Sanskrit
Discipline: Kāvya
Genre: Stotra
Structure: 65 Vasantatilka verses
Alternative names: Bhaktistotra

The Bhagavadbhaktistotra of Avadhūtasiddha is a Sanskrit hymn dedicated to Śiva, which enjoyed a certain renown starting from the beginning of the second millennium, as it boasted several citations by celebrated thinkers such as the Kashmirian Abhinavagupta and Yogarāja. As suggested by Raniero Gnoli, the editor of this stotra, its author was most probably a Kashmirian himself who lived between the 9th and the 10th century.

Last update: 12.01.2021 - 18:01
Suggested citation: Cuneo D. "Bhagavadbhaktistotra." Pandit. <>. Updated on January 12, 2021 06:01 pm IST.
Contributors: Daniele Cuneo