
ID: 108841
Full name: Cāritrasāra
Attributed author: Cāmuṇḍarāya
Year: 975 c.
Language: Sanskrit
Name in local script: चारित्रसार

The Cāritrasāra is a handbook for jaina monks (anāgāra) and householders (sāgāra) in Sanskrit prose. It is attributed to Cāmuṇḍarāya, the 10th century general of the Gaṅga kings (themselves vassals of the Rāṣṭrakūta empire).

Print sources
Last update: 23.12.2020 - 03:28
Suggested citation: Keerthi N. "Cāritrasāra." Pandit. <panditproject.org/entity/108841/work>. Updated on December 23, 2020 03:28 am IST.
Contributors: Naresh Keerthi
Attributed to: Premodern Kannada