MS Udaipur RORI Udaipur collection 3300

ID: 108182
Works contained:
Located in: Udaipur
Shelfmark: 3300
Currently collected in (Collection): Udaipur Collection
Year: 1853
Script: Devanagari
Material: Paper
Condition: Good
Physical completeness: Complete
Number of folios: 137
More info:

Catalogue note: "Revised by Rājavaidya Madhusūdana Gupta"

Print sources
  • (part XII, pp. 316-317, serial no. 2827)
Last update: 16.09.2021 - 08:16
Relates to People
Past owner: Madhusūdana Gupta
Suggested citation: Wujastyk D. "MS Udaipur RORI Udaipur collection 3300." Pandit. <>. Updated on September 16, 2021 08:16 am IST.
Contributors: Dominik Wujastyk