Explicit of MS Kathmandu NAK 5/7439

ID: 107645
Last update: 02.08.2020 - 04:09
Related Manuscripts
Extracted from manuscript: MS Kathmandu NAK 5/7439

vinītāya suśīlāya gaṃbhīrāya mahātmane ||
śiṣyāya guruṇā deyam āspadaṃ saṃpadām idaṃ || 76 ||

prāṇāvāraṃ viniścitya svasya bhāvi śubhāśubhe ||
aśubhapratidhātāya kuryād dharmmodyamaṃ sudhīḥ || 77 || (fol. 7v1–4)

Suggested citation: Rimal M. "Explicit of MS Kathmandu NAK 5/7439." Pandit. <panditproject.org/entity/107645/extract>. Updated on August 02, 2020 04:09 am IST.
Contributors: Madhusudan Rimal