MS Pune BORI 760-A-1891-95

ID: 100302
Works contained:
Located in: Pune
Shelfmark: 760-A-1891-95
Script: Devanagari
Material: Paper
Condition: Good
Physical completeness: Complete
Number of folios: 11
Lines per page: 9
Letters per line: 34
Sheet dimensions: 10 ³⁄₄ × 4 ³⁄₄ inch
More info:

Country paper thick, rough, greyish and discolored. Devanāgarī characters; handwriting large, clear and uniform. Borders ruled with double black lines. Red chalk marks beginning, colophon and verse numbers. There are altogether 154 verses of which the last three have not been numbered. Speakers' names also colored with red chalk. The last 7 foll. (i.e. foll. 17-23) of our ms. form part of another work: Tattvasāra (no. 760-C of 1891-95) and foll. 11-17 another work. Amanaska (Layakhaṇḍa) (No. 760-B of 1891-95).

Age: Appears to be old.

Print sources
Suggested citation: Maharaj S. "MS Pune BORI 760-A-1891-95." Pandit. <>. Updated on October 26, 2021 04:29 am IST.
Contributors: Sukshmadarshi Maharaj
Attributed to: Vedānta BORI