MS Pune BORI 223-1882-83

ID: 97032
Works contained:
Located in: Pune
Shelfmark: 223-1882-83
Year: 1795
Table of contents:

Kavala no. / No. of Verses / Foll.

I . 97 . 1b – 7b

II . 157 . 7b – 18a

III . 48 . 18a – 21a

IV . 104 . 21a – 29a

V . 170 . 29a – 41a

Script: Devanagari
Material: Paper
Condition: Poor
Physical completeness: Incomplete
Number of folios: 41
Lines per page: 10
Letters per line: 28
Sheet dimensions: 9 ⁵⁄₈ × 4 ¹⁄₄ inch
More info:

Country paper rough, greyish and badly eaten by worms; Devanāgarī Characters; handwriting large, uniform and legible; borders ruled with three black lines; red chalk used for making verse-numbers and colophons yellow pigment for occasional corrections:

Some foll. are repaired (eg. fol. 40b).

Print sources
Suggested citation: Chen D., J. Peterson, R. Kedem. "MS Pune BORI 223-1882-83." Pandit. <>. Updated on October 26, 2021 04:29 am IST.
Attributed to: Vedānta BORI