MS Pune BORI 641-1887-91

ID: 97415
Works contained:
Located in: Pune
Shelfmark: 641-1887-91
Script: Devanagari
Material: Paper
Condition: Damaged
Physical completeness: Complete
Number of folios: 52
Lines per page: 14
Letters per line: 43
Sheet dimensions: 11 ¹⁄₄ × 5 inch
More info:

Country paper, grey, slightly discoloured and worn out; Devanāgarī characters; handwriting fair, medium and uniform; fol. 50 written on newer paper to replace lost original fol.; red chalk used for colouring verse-numbers and text citations; text in centre, commentary above and below it; yellow pigment for corrections; the last two foll. being badly preserved, have been repaired; the last but one fol. has a part replaced and the last strengthened by means of another leaf being pasted on to it.

Age - Fairly old.

Print sources
Suggested citation: Kedem R., S. Maharaj. "MS Pune BORI 641-1887-91." Pandit. <>. Updated on October 26, 2021 04:29 am IST.
Attributed to: Vedānta BORI