Paraphrased by J.A.B.Van Buitenen 1953

ID: 61574
Short name: Paraphrased by J.A.B.Van Buitenen 1953
Imported print text:

Paraphrased by J.A.B.Van Buitenen,along with an edition and translation of Yamuna's Gītārthasaṃgraha, in Rāmānuja on the Bhagavadgītā. The Hague 1953; Delhi 1968, 1974

Last update: 17.03.2017 - 06:01
Suggested citation: Potter K. "Paraphrased by J.A.B.Van Buitenen 1953." Pandit. <>. Updated on March 17, 2017 06:01 am IST.
Contributors: Karl Potter