Entity types

The entity types are the main building blocks of the database. Here is a list of the entity types Pandit Project currently has. We order them by dependency - the lower in the list an entity type is listed, the more dependent it is on entity types higher. The current data model has these entity types:

  • State - A country as India or a state inside another state as Kashmir.
  • Site - A previously or currently inhabited settlement such as a town or a village.
  • Institution - A past or present official establishment that is located or was located on a site. Examples: court, temple, monastery, university, archive, museum.
  • Work - A text or a book in the domain (not to be confused with Print, see below).
  • Person - A patron, a person mentioned, an author, etc.
  • Collection - A manuscript collection - either current and existent one or an old and not existed anymore.
  • Manuscript - A handwritten text (on palm leaves or paper) or any fragment or piece of a manuscript.
  • Extract - A relevant piece of text from a work or a manuscript.
  • Print - A secondary scholarship such as a book, an article, a chapter in an edited volume, a scholarly edition, etc.
  • Project - A scholar initiative to contribute data, usually focused on one area of the domain or a specific type.

These are the groups of tag-like values used to label an entity in some of the entity types:

  • Discipline - Area of interest (used to label a work).
  • Genre - Literature style or category (used to label a work).
  • Language - Languages such as Sanskrit, Tamil, and Persian (used to label a work).
  • Social identifier - (used to label a person).

The configuration spreadsheet holds technical specifications of the fields of each type. We specify each type and its fields in a separate tab (see list of tabs in the configuration spreadsheet).