Hanson, Nicholson and Stewart 1990

ID: 82649
Print kind: Book
Short name: Hanson, Nicholson and Stewart 1990
Imported print text:

Karma. Rhythmic Return to Harmony (1990). Translated into German as Karma. Wie unser Tun zum Schickel wird (Berlin 1992)

Print title: Karma: rhythmic return to harmony
Language: English
Editor: Hanson, Virginia; Stewart, Rosemarie; Nicholson, Shirley J.
Year: 1990
Address: Wheaton
Publisher: Quest Books
Edition: 3rd
Series: A Quest book
ISBN: 0835606635, 9780835606639
Discipline scholarship: Hinduism (general)
Last update: 07.08.2021 - 21:17
Suggested citation: Rozenkrants M., K. Potter. "Hanson, Nicholson and Stewart 1990." Pandit. <panditproject.org/entity/82649/print>. Updated on August 07, 2021 09:17 pm IST.