Goudriaan, Māyā

ID: 76598
Print kind: Book
Short name: Goudriaan, Māyā
Print title: Māyā Divine and Human: A Study of Magic and Its Religious Foundations in Sanskrit Texts, with Particular Attention to a Fragment of Viṣṇu's Māyā Preserved in Bali
Author: Goudriaan, Teun
Year: 1978
Address: Delhi
Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass
Discipline scholarship: Tantra
Last update: 05.02.2022 - 04:28
Suggested citation: Wujastyk D., K. Potter. "Goudriaan, Māyā." Pandit. <panditproject.org/entity/76598/print>. Updated on February 05, 2022 04:28 am IST.