Ryusei Keira 2004

ID: 59723
Short name: Ryusei Keira 2004
Imported print text:

Ryusei Keira, Mādhyamika and Epistemology: A Study of Kamalaśīla's Method for Proving the Voidness of All Dharmas. Introduction and annotated translations of Tibetan text and selected sections of the Madhyamakāloka. WSTB 59, 2004

Last update: 16.03.2017 - 21:37
Source refers to: Madhyamakāloka (work)
Suggested citation: Potter K. "Ryusei Keira 2004." Pandit. <panditproject.org/entity/59723/print>. Updated on March 16, 2017 09:37 pm IST.
Contributors: Karl Potter